Colorful wings tattoo
Wings carry a number of associations: they may accompany images of Christian ANGELS, fairies, spirit, and demons. They not only represent the ability to fly, but also suggest the improvement of the subject. Winged creatures are often messengers of the gods, and they are a symbol of freedom and spirituality. Wings represent power, speed and limitless freedom of motion. In the Christian tradition, angels are often represented as beautiful winged figures, and Garcia Marquez plays off of this cultural symbolism because, ironically, the wings of the “angel” in the story convey only a sense of age and disease. Wings, of any type of style, are generally a symbol of freedom, an ability to liberate oneself from the shackles of whatever holds or binds them. This is one of the most popular tattoo meanings in the world and wings are one of the best ways to express that meaning. According to Hindus, wings are the expression of the freedom to leave earthly things behind as a result of contemplation and to reach Paradise. The Rig Veda sees wings as intelligence, swifter than any bird. The Universal Architect creates the world with the movement of his winged arms. In Christian tradition, wings are associated with the light of the Sun of Justice that illuminates the intelligence of the just. God protects man with the shadow of his wings. When man separates himself from God, he loses his own original wings. Angels are the purest expression of winged spirit. In Greece, Hermes had winged heels, symbol of the traveller and the messenger, and the messenger, of dreams, of impulse, of movement. The Greeks represented Love and Victory with wings. According to plato, wings represent intelligence and understanding. That is the reason why they are associated with certain fabulous animals, such as Pegasus, representing the sublimation of the specific symbolism of the animal.
Carapace Tattoo & Piercing Studio is one of the leading tattoo studios in India. Now this time we have created a colourful wing tattoo for our clients. Wings tattoo mostly done on the back worldwide. But this tattoo is a forearm tattoo. We always use skin friendly colour for our clients. We have the utmost professional tattoo artist’s in our shop. We are the most hygienic tattoo parlour in India.

So, please visit us for this type of exciting tattoos.